How to Restructure Your Recruitment Process to Get Better Results

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When it comes to business planning for the coming year, revisiting your recruitment process is a great place to start. 

With recent global events causing havoc with many organisations’ plans, it pays to have an action plan for recruitment that is simple, structured, and delivers results. 

Due to the upheaval caused by Covid, businesses are finding it problematic to hire for finance and accountancy roles right now. There are plenty of things to consider, from the type of people you want in your team as remote working becomes the norm to what kind of skills you now need to drive your business forwards. 

For organisations of all sizes, the results of your recruitment process can vary wildly. This often happens when there is a lack of a refined framework – a tried and tested method that returns great candidates every time.  

That means no more unsuitable applicants, no more candidates who leave a few months after being hired and no recruitment process that drags on for weeks. 

Today, I share my recruitment advice on restructuring your hiring process so you can enjoy these results. 


Where to Advertise Your Role(s) 



The recruitment process can be an arduous task for businesses who fail to attract the ‘right’ candidates. More often than not, this is because they are not utilising every avenue to advertise their role. 

Where do you usually advertise your vacancies? Many businesses will post to their website, which they may or may not share on social media, and perhaps use a job board such as Indeed. 

These avenues alone are not enough if you want to increase your chances of attracting the maximum number of suitable candidates. 

How often do you share your vacancies across your various social media channels? By utilising LinkedIn, you have the opportunity for your job adverts to be seen by potentially thousands of accounting and finance professionals. The key to this is not just to advertise your vacancy but to interact with people who like, comment and share your posts.  

The more active your H.R. team are on LinkedIn, and across your different social media feeds, the more your posts will be seen by the wider community, boosting your brand and engagement. 


Getting Down to the Detail 

As a finance and accountancy recruiter, my clients are always delighted when I find them the candidate they had been looking for but couldn’t seem to find independently. The key to achieving these excellent results is going into fine detail.  

To streamline your recruitment process in this way will involve going into granular detail with specifics about both the role and the company. 

Some employers think it best to create a ‘catch-all’ type of job advert to increase candidate potential when, in reality, this is only watering down your chances of finding the most valuable individuals.  

Be honest and specific with your job descriptions. Update your job adverts to represent how the pandemic has altered your organisation and how this will be reflected in their potential new accountant role. 

Finally, let’s look at attracting the right kind of candidates. 


Focus on Attracting the ‘Right’ Candidates  



Currently, one of the most challenging aspects of finance and accountancy recruitment is getting talented applicants interested in applying for your vacancy. 

There is a lot of movement in the sector right now – the pandemic has shaken things up. Many people have been evaluating this year, and thinking about whether their role is fulfilling them and whether they still feel aligned to their employer’s values. 

This means that as well as genuine candidates, we see an increase in speculative applications; the Association of Accounting Technicians recently reported that they had seen a rise in ‘career change’ applicants to study finance this year. 

Have you found that after advertising your vacancy you are attracting candidates who are not right for either the role or your company? 

Hiring a new employee is as much about culture fit than skills and experience. Remember – you can teach skills and knowledge, but not personality and attitude.  

It might be time for you to have a more detailed analysis of what you are looking for in your finance and accountancy team. Think about the following: 

  • Is there a distinct lack of leaders? 
  • Are your team innovative and always looking at what they can change to get better results?  
  • Do you need more individuals who possess great I.T. skills as well as accountancy expertise? 

Be specific with what you are looking for in your job advert, and keep this in mind throughout your recruitment process. 


Download Our Recruitment Process Checklist 

Need more guidance? 

To help organisations and employers looking to hire finance and accounting professionals this year, we have produced a recruitment process checklist, which includes the topics we have covered here and more detail on how to structure your hiring process. 

You can download the free recruitment checklist by clicking here [add link to checklist]. 

Alternatively, if you would like to speak to the experts about how we can help find the candidates you are looking for, get in touch with us today. Call on 01282 930930 or email us here with your financial recruitment problem or query and we will get back to you. 





About Rebus Financial Recruitment   

Rebus Financial Recruitment provides a specialist and focused recruitment service to its customers, which historically range from various organisations including SME’s to large PLCs.   

We strive to offer both the client and candidate a seamless recruitment experience. Using our expertise, we get to the heart of employer and employee needs; and, in doing so, we match the two perfectly. To find out more, get in contact with one of our team today, or you can call us on 01282 930930. 

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