As a recruiter of finance professionals, the market has been unpredictable in recent months as the pandemic’s fallout begins to stabilise.Â
Despite previous fears, accountancy jobs have remained safe, and recruitment has continued steadily. Â
But recruiting levels have been altered by one thing – perceived candidate uncertainty.Â
Let me be clear – it is the perception of uncertainty that has contributed to some candidates holding back on their career goals.Â
There has been a steady level of accountants applying for new roles on the market, and we will only see this number increase as more opportunities become available.Â
Today, we look at how accounting candidates can plan for the future as we emerge from uncertainties in the market. Â
How Has the Market Changed?Â
Despite the pandemic and the impact on various business sectors, good quality accountants are still in high demand.Â
Some finance candidates have postponed their job search over the last 12 months as they assessed the pandemic’s impact; however, this has now shifted.Â
Historically, in times of crisis, accounting jobs are safer than ever – something to remember when planning your future finance career moves.Â
Everywhere we look now there is positive news about U.K. jobs and the finance sector especially. Data from The Accountancy Partnership found that there were almost 400,000 new businesses started last year. It is expected that merger and acquisition rates will increase this year as the government‘s pandemic loans are now subject to tighter criteria.Â
Businesses everywhere are in constant need of top quality accountants to help steer them through the coming period.Â
What Opportunities are there for Accounting Professionals?Â
As a finance candidate, there will be many reasons, personal, professional, and financial, contributing to applying for a new role.Â
While there hasn‘t been a dramatic dip in applicants, there hasn‘t been the usual high volume of candidates on the market- until now. We are already seeing application rates and active candidate numbers increasing as more individuals start to take advantage of current accounting opportunities. Â
Data from the accounting and advisory firm BDO found that mid-sized businesses are set to lead the U.K.‘s economic recovery, with 75% of companies saying that 2021 is the ‘time to invest‘. More than a quarter (26 per cent) state they are currently preparing to invest in new sites or mergers and acquisitions. Â
Redundancy and furlough worries have been on the minds of many, but again this is now retreating. The BDO data also found that 86% of U.K. mid-tier businesses plan to recruit over the coming year, demonstrating the renewed strength in the economy. Â
Are you considering the future of your finance career – and what your next move should be? Â
What Should be Your Next Steps as a Finance Candidate?Â
Some finance professionals have stayed in their jobs, waiting for the ‘right time‘ to apply for a new role. Other accountants at the start of their careers have had exams cancelled or rearranged and have been effectively forced to put their careers on hold.Â
The time to wait is now over. The combination of the full economic recovery, the business opportunities this presents, and the ‘pent-up demand‘ of individuals who have had their careers put on hold mean there will be a significant surge in finance candidates applying for roles this year.Â
The world-leading accounting body AAT has revealed that accountancy is the third most stable profession, behind only teaching and pharmaceuticals. Â
So what does this mean for your accountancy career prospects? Â
It means that while many finance candidates have perceived that there is uncertainty in the market, opportunities are, in fact, at an all-time high.Â
So what should your next steps be as a finance candidate? First, it would help to talk through your options with a trusted accountancy career advisor. You can get in contact with us by clicking here to discuss your options today. Â
Applying for roles when there is increased competition can be challenging, but Rebus Recruitment can help. We have access to the newest finance opportunities in the North West for accountancy candidates – call me on 01282 930930 to discuss your next career move.Â
About Rebus Financial Recruitment  Â
Rebus Financial Recruitment provides a specialist and focused recruitment service to its customers, which historically range from various organisations, including SME‘s to large PLCs.  Â
We strive to offer both the client and candidate a seamless recruitment experience. Using our expertise, we get to the heart of employer and employee needs, and, in doing so, we match the two perfectly. To find out more, get in contact with one of our team today, or you can call us on 01282 930930.Â