Our Commitment
Rebus Recruitment is committed to equal opportunities for all. Our policy is to make sure that no customer, or person involved or associated with Rebus Recruitment receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of:
Rebus Recruitment is opposed to all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination. We believe in equality for all those connected with this organisation and all members of society.
Responsibility for making sure that Rebus Recruitment fulfils its obligations under this Policy rests with Rachel Mitson Director Rebus Recruitment.
Who does the Policy apply to?
All individuals within this organisation are responsible for compliance with this Policy, and for the positive attitude it requires. All external persons connected with Rebus Recruitment are encouraged to hold the same responsibility and commitment.
What will we do?
We will make sure that all our staff, clients and service users are aware of our Equal Opportunities Policy, and where applicable will make them aware of their responsibilities.
All job applicants, employees and others who work with us will be treated fairly and will not be discriminated against on any of the grounds named above. Decisions about recruitment and selection, referral or any other service we provide will be made objectively and without unlawful discrimination.
Dealing with complaints
It is recognised that many individuals may be unwilling to make a complaint regarding equal opportunities, for a variety of reasons.
Rebus Recruitment believe that it is important that employees, clients and service users should feel able to raise concerns in the knowledge that their complaint or concern will be taken seriously.
All complaints will receive prompt attention and will be properly investigated. We will seek to resolve them as quickly as possible.
Rachel Mitson Director
Rebus Recruitment
Email: rachel@rebusrecruitment.co.uk